We’ll start the party off with TWO Garbage Friends for the raffle for tickets sold between ONE to ONE THOUSAND. If more tickets are sold we’ll giveaway more Garbage Friends. 

We’re pooling together Ooze Friend tokens and will raffle the Garbage Friends NFT to flunkez that hold a red cup and raffle ticket. So it’s simple… mint a flunkez NFT to get access to the raffle.

We’ve already started to secure Ooze Friend tokens for the pool in this wallet. Yet, we want to collect more for flunkez so that’s why there’s a small mint price to enter the club. It won’t guarantee you a GF, but will give you better odds of getting a Garbage Friends NFT.

You can look in the flunkez pool here 0x1BDD8A49F6403aEC8Cc61395B87Eb7cA44669517

Do the math bruh. There’s over 20,000 students enrolled at Garbage University and only 750 will graduate. That means the vast majority of students will flunk.

You probably think you’re smart and good enough at quizzes that you’ll graduate, right? Statistically, you’re f*cked. That’s why a few of us flunkez are getting together to throw a party and raffle Garbage Friends NFTs.

We’re just students trying to throw an epic party in this bear market to numb our pain. The party is open to all students and the public. The party is off campus, but only tell other students. We don’t need the cops showing up. And whatever happens we can’t let our parents know that we flunked.